Philippians 2:12–18 | Resources Discussion Questions Who has been a Paul in your life? There is a significant difference between “working for your salvation”...
Philippians 2:5–11 | Resources Discussion Questions What does this text teach us about the gospel? What aspects of the story of the gospel do we sometime overlook? Did...
Update Your Profile We want to make sure our church database is up-to-date! To make sure all of your info is current, please download the Church Center app,...
Family Camp Registration Our annual Family Camp at Hidden Acres is coming up August 3–6! Registration is now open. Get away for the weekend with your family and...
Philippians 2:1–4 | Resources Discussion Questions Summarize the phrases in verse 2. What pictures do these phrases paint for you? (Having the same love, united in...
Summer Groups Looking for community? Many of our Small Groups are meeting through the summer in various capacities! Visit
Philippians 1:27–30 | Resources Discussion Questions What does it mean to live as a citizen of heaven, not just a citizen of your country? Why is so hard to live every...
Philippians 1:21–26 | Resources Discussion Questions Are your current trials causing you to pout or to pray? How is it possible that Paul could view death as gain? Do you...
Philippians 1:12–20 | Resources Discussion Questions Can you say what Paul said in verse 12? What circumstance has happened to you that “has actually advanced the...