Philippians 4:21–23 | Resources

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Discussion Questions

It is incredible to think that this letter is about 2000 years old! These brothers and sisters are long gone, but how do these verses impact us today?

Who is Paul referring to when he mentions “those who belong to Caesar’s household?”

Do you often take for granted how easy it is to be a Christian today compared to Paul’s time? What would it have been like for these believers?

Do you value our local body of believers like you ought to?

Paul begins and ends this letter with a reference to grace. Why is grace a beautiful summary of the gospel?

In light of our text/sermon, what would it look like to obey?

Memory Verse

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.” Philippians 4:23 (CSB)


Last year I had the privilege of visiting central Asia. A few of us from FFC saw our partners serving on the other side of the globe. I was utterly amazed at how far away this country was! It took us around 18 hours of flying to get there, with an overall trip length of two days. One of the wow moments for me was when we landed in Europe for our layover, and I realized we were still only halfway there. We arrived in Europe and still had another 8-9 hours of flying before we landed in our destination. Central Asia is so far away!

Another fantastic moment on this trip was realizing how many believers reside in this country halfway around the Earth. That week I had the honor of worshiping with lots of my brothers and sisters in Christ in a flourishing church. I know this shouldn’t have been as shocking as it was, but again, remember how far away Central Asia is. I often still foolishly believe that the United States is the center of Christianity! What I was so beautifully reminded of on this trip is that God is doing the same thing around the world that He is doing here: seeking and saving the lost! Then, let’s not forget that those fellow sinners who are also saved by grace are now our brothers and sisters because of the work Christ has done in their lives!

When I read in Philippians 4:21, where Paul tells the church in Philippi to “greet every saint in Christ Jesus,” that number in my head now is much bigger than it would have been a year ago! Praise God for the redemptive work He is doing around the globe, including places I will never visit during my years on Earth.