Changes to Our Services

We want to keep you informed on what our services look like in light of COVID-19.

People over the age of 65 and those with compromised immune systems are encouraged to attend our mask-only services or stay home and watch online. Please join us online if you’ve had these symptoms this week: fever over 100 degrees, cough or sore throat, shortness of breath or contact with anyone confirmed to have COVID-19 (in the last 14 days).

If you’re planning to join us physically for a service, here are some guidelines we’ll be implementing:

Regular Services in the Worship Center

– While we don’t require masks, we will have them available at both entrances if you need one. The CDC does recommend wearing a mask in public gatherings.

–  The Surgeon General and CDC strongly recommend, and so do we, that we keep social distancing (a 6’ buffer between people) during these times.

– Please, as a general rule, avoid physical contact with others. While you may feel comfortable with some form of contact, other individuals may not.

– Greeters/ushers will welcome you to the church with a smile and a wave at the appropriate distance.

Hand sanitizer stations will be located throughout the facility.

– We’ll continue to livestream our services in light of our vulnerable population and those that choose to join us online.

– Weekly communion will be done using a prepackaged, sealed bread and juice cup. Individually wrapped gluten-free options will continue to be available.

Mask-Only Service in the Youth Room

We’ll be providing a mask-only environment in the Youth Room during the 8am service.

Masks will be required for anyone toddler and up.

Seats will be properly spaced to maintain social distancing.

Entrance to mask-only service will be separate from the regular services, at the southeast corner of the building. (There will be signs to direct you.) You’re also welcome to enter the service through a main entrance.

– The Youth Room is on the second floor of the Student Center (South end of the building.) You can reach it by going through the southeast stairwell, through the Student Center elevator, or through any of the other stairwells.

– Portions of the service may be live in the room, but the majority of the service will be streamed live from the Worship Center.

Registration is not required at this point in time.

– Contact Church Planting Resident Parker McGoldrick if you have any questions!


Children’s Ministry
Birth–5th grade children’s programming has resumed at all three services. Registration is required! You can visit  or the COVID-19 update page to learn more about the guidelines they’ll be implementing. Sign up here. Contact Children’s Director Becky Doubleday if you have any questions.

Youth Ministry
FFC Youth has resumed meeting for Youth Group! Guidelines are similar to Sunday mornings. No registration is required. Contact Youth Director Jake Walton if you have any questions.

Discipleship Ministry
Small Groups have resumed meeting, both in person and digitally. Learn more and sign up at Contact Discipleship Pastor Travis Walker if you have any questions.

Exposure Policy

If we become aware of a COVID-positive individual that was in attendance at a small group or class, we will contact the others in attendance, letting them know of the potential exposure and ask them to monitor their symptoms. We will no longer automatically request a 10-day quarantine. If someone in your household has tested positive for the virus, or you have had known direct contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, we recommend that you utilize our online resources for 10 days as per the CDC guidelines.