It’s Never Too Late It’s never too late for someone to be rescued from hell. This must have been what Jude was referencing when, while encouraging believers...
Why the Righteous are Bold When you have nothing to hide, you have no reason to run. Solomon, inspired by the Holy Spirit, clues us in to this truth when he...
The Fear of Man is a Trap Fear paralyzes. It cripples. It stalls and halts even the best intentions. That’s why Solomon called it a “snare.” Specifically, his...
The Counter-Culture Christ Jesus Christ was the consummate counter-culture communicator. Consider Matthew 5. Six times he said to the crowds, “You have heard it...
Limiting or Life-Giving? Obedience doesn’t limit the believer. It actually enables the believer to truly live. This is the heartbeat of Proverbs 7:2, where...
Wings of Refuge Help us welcome Wings of Refuge, a Christ-centered organization providing opportunities to survivors of sex trafficking, to FFC today. They...
Pray for Winter Retreats Next weekend, Februar y 18–20, we have two groups of students heading off to retreats! The 3–5th graders will be heading to Hidden...
Why Jesus Makes Himself Known Jesus makes himself known so that you will faithfully believe and fearlessly follow. I draw this from John 21, where twice we read in the...
2022 Marriage Retreat FFC married couples, make plans to join us for our Marriage Retreat coming up March 25–26! We want you to have a weekend away where...