Walking with Christ till the End – Resources

Ephesians 6:21–24

Memory Verse

“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called” Ephesians 4:1

Discussion/Reflection Questions

What an amazing legacy Tychicus left! What would you hope your legacy would be if you got one verse of the Bible written about you? 

Imagine writing a letter to your kids asking them to go on for God after you are gone. What types of things would you include in that letter? 

What does it mean that God’s love and grace are incorruptible? 

How is Paul’s life (even his hardships) an encouragement to this Ephesian church? In what ways can you be an encouragement (v 22) to those around you as they walk with Christ? 

What has been the greatest takeaway for you from the last three chapters of Ephesians? What do you think God is trying to teach you? How is he challenging you? 

Weekly Reading

Monday: Ephesians 4:1–16 

Tuesday: Ephesians 4:17–32 

Wednesday: Ephesians 5:1–14 

Thursday: Ephesians 5:15–33 

Friday: Ephesians 6:1–24