Walking with Christ in Unity (Part 1) – Resources

Memory Verse

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” Psalm 133:1 

Discussion/Reflection Questions

Take a few minutes and define these characteristics. (Humility, gentleness, patience, bearing with, and maintain unity) 

Which of these characteristics seems to be the most difficult for you? Why? 

Why is unity so important in a local church? 

Which characteristic is the Holy Spirit prompting you to work on this week? 

Spend time praying this week for the Holy Spirit’s help. In what way can your Small Group, family, or friends hold you accountable in a specific way this week? 

Weekly Reading

Monday: Philippians 2:1–4 

Tuesday: Joshua 23:1–13 

Wednesday: Psalm 133 

Thursday: Proverbs 1:8–19 

Friday: Ephesians 4:4–6