"The Empowering Work of the Holy Spirit"
Discussion Questions

Introduction Questions

1. What do you think are some of your natural talents and abilities? (Things you seem to be better than average at)

2. What are some things you think God has supernaturally blessed you with the ability to do?  (Things you aren’t naturally gifted at that you have been able to do/ accomplish)

3. When was a time you saw God help you when you needed it desperately?


Observation Questions

1.  Summarize what the phrases “filled him,” “inspired him,” and “in whom the Lord has put” mean.

2. Do you think the average Israelite saw something supernatural done here in the lives of these filled people?

3. What was the purpose of the filling of the  Holy Spirit in this text? How does God still do this today?

4. What about Sunday’s sermon stuck out to you or challenged you? What did you learn, love, or were you reminded of?


Personal Reflection Questions

1. What evidences have you seen in your life of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit? What work has He done in and through your life?

2. How can you use what you do (job, hobby, school, etc.) for the glory of God?

3. How are you investing your life for God’s passion? In what way are you investing your life for your passions? What needs to change?

4. In light of our text this week and our sermon on Sunday, how might we respond in obedience? What do you think God is asking you to do?