Family Devotional Guide – May 30
Travis Walker   -  

I am not Mr. Fix It. I have never been, and I doubt I ever will be. But, I appreciate people who can take something old or broken and make it look new and whole again. Many times we call this process restoration. What comes to your mind when you hear the word “restore?” Try to name something that you know of that has been restored? When and how was it corrected?

Our text this week tells us about a spiritual restoration. In the small Old Testament book of Joel, there is a prophecy about a spiritual restoration that is to come. God is telling His people, He is in the process of restoring or healing the broken relationship between them and Himself. They have walked away from Him, He has had to punish them for their rebellion, but He will bring them back into fellowship with Him and again give them purpose, significance, and meaning.

Aren’t you glad that God restores those who run from him rather than throw us away? Instead of God destroying those who fall away from Him, He promises to bring them back! This is truly amazing grace!

Pastor Todd this week summarized God’s typical process for teaching, discipline, and restoration throughout people’s lives. He told us that many times it goes like this: people sin, God judges, people repent, God restores, God uses those people for His mission. This is such a beautiful narrative of a loving God who desires the best for His people. This has been my story and I bet this is your story as well!

As a family, couple, or as friends, discuss the questions below.

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. When was a time you were far from God relationally? What do you think caused this distance?
  2. How has God lovingly convicted you of sin throughout your life? What have been some of His methods of getting through to you personally?
  3. What is repentance, and what has this looked like in your life?
  4. God uses all of us to accomplish His mission of seeking and saving the lost. How do you feel God is calling you to be a part of this mission lately?
  5. Prayer: Take a moment and confess any sins you know you haven’t appropriately dealt with. Now, thank God for His endless grace and mercy.
Travis Walker and the Family Ministry Team

This Week’s Sermon-Based Recommended Readings

Monday- Jonah 1

Tuesday- Jonah 2

Wednesday- Jonah 3

Thursday- Jonah 4

Friday- Romans 8:37-39

Saturday- Make-Up Reading Day