Family Devotional Guide – May 16
Travis Walker   -  

Here is a silly illustration, but growing up, this was a constructive way to understand the Holy Spirit’s work in my life. Take a moment and think about a glove. Specifically, think of a tough, rugged work glove. Something you would wear while you are doing yard work or construction. How does a glove work? What does it require to get a job done? If you are reading this with someone, take a moment and discuss this question.

For a glove to accomplish something, it needs a hand. A glove, by itself, can do nothing. It is useless, or maybe a better way to say it is “powerless.” The glove looks good, it is well made and has a ton of potential, but it is useless or powerless as it lays there.

This is a decent illustration of how the Holy Spirit works in the lives of believers. Humans look good, they are well made, and they have a ton of potential, but when it comes to pleasing God, they are useless or powerless on their own. Please notice that I said, “when it comes to pleasing God.” I am not saying humans are completely useless. Humans can do many great and marvelous things, but pleasing God is not something they can do without the work of the Holy Spirit in and through their lives.

Listen to John 15:5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” I know this is something Jesus said, but it is very accurate of the Holy Spirit also.

So, going back to the illustration, we are the glove and we need a hand when it comes to pleasing God. And the hand, or the power, is the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit fills a person, he or she can please God and accomplish something that brings God glory and honor to Him.

To prove this, let’s consider evangelism. On my own, there is nothing I can say or do that could bring another person from spiritual death to spiritual life. But, being filled with the Holy Spirit, He works through me while I share the Gospel. At that moment, I get to play a part in helping someone be born again! In this illustration, my words are useless unless they are empowered but the Holy Spirit.

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. When was a time you saw God supernaturally use you for His glory?
  2. Why aren’t we, on our own, able to please God?
  3. When was the last time you prayed and asked God to use you for His glory? Why don’t we pray this way more often?
  4. What is one opportunity you have to work for God this week? What potentially could be a result if God empowers you at that moment for His purpose?

Prayer: Take some time right now and ask God to use you this week for His glory and fame!

Travis Walker and the Family Ministry Team

This Week’s Sermon-Based Recommended Readings

Monday- John 15:1-5

Tuesday- John 15:6-11

Wednesday- John 15:12-17

Thursday- John 15:18-25

Friday- John 15:26-27

Saturday- Make-Up Reading Day