Kids Winter Getaway Deadline Monday, January 31 is the final day to register for the 3rd–5th grade weekend retreat! Please use the link from your email to register or...
Parking Team To help the traffic in our lots on Sunday morning move more smoothly, we’re starting a Parking Team! If serving on this team interests...
Ministries Resuming We’re excited to kick off 2022 in our next generation ministries! AWANA for our birth through 5th grade resumes January 5, middle school...
Take your next step What’s your next step? Maybe it’s beginning a relationship with Jesus, joining a Small Group, serving, or becoming a member. Whether...
New Series Beginning Sunday God’s call to endure joyfully is based on the truth that we are saved securely. And the sanctification we are promised and pursue will...
Kids Winter Getaway It’s almost time for our annual 3rd–5th grade retreat at Hidden Acres on Februar y 18–20! Make sure you sign up by December 31st for...
2021 Giving Statements Because they’re available online, we do not mail giving statements. However, if you have an email address in our database, you should...
Elder Candidate Mike Hartwig We introduced Mike Hartwig to the church on November 28 as an elder candidate, and he will finish up his 3-week congregational examination...
College Ministry Our college ministry kicked off on November 16th, and they’re having two more gatherings this semester! If you’re college -aged or...