Psalm 13 | Resources Discussion Questions Summarize the psalm as a group. Have you ever felt forgotten by God or alone? Have you ever felt disappointed with...
Passion Week Series We‘re starting a short new series today that will accompany Passion Week 2023 called “Eight Days that Changed History.” A series...
Psalm 126 | Resources Discussion Questions Summarize this psalm as a group. Share a time in your past when God “restored” you. Share a story of God’s...
Psalm 3 | Resources Discussion Questions Summarize this psalm as a group. How can you currently relate to verses 1 & 2? Do you feel what David felt? What...
Psalm 12 | Resources Discussion Questions Summarize this psalm as a group. Why is this psalm still so appropriate for today? What are some common lies that are...
Psalm 42 | Resources Discussion Questions Summarize this psalm as a group. What do you tend to long for when you feel overwhelmed? What is the psalmist’s...
Psalms of Lament Overview | Resources Discussion Questions What did you learn about the psalms that you didn’t know previously? What is a psalm of lament? Is it sinful to...
New Study Groups One new study group is underway and another is starting soon! At Brown Bag Theology, bring a lunch and learn about the five doctrines of...
New Series We‘ve begun our new sermon series called “Living with Lamenting and Longing,” focusing on the Psalms of lament. Visit...