How can we talk to unbelievers about Christ without using “Christianese”? June 10, 2021 How can we engage with unbelievers around us without using “Christian lingo”? What are some words we can use? Pastors Travis...
Should one pastor’s voice be the final voice at a church? Is that the case at FFC? June 3, 2021 Should a singular pastor have the final “say” or be the final “voice” at a church? Is that the case at First Family...
If Adam hadn’t sinned, would humanity have lived in the garden forever? May 27, 2021 This is a sort of “Part 2” to a previous question: What was God’s “plan A” for humanity? Watch that video here:...
How does FFC balance responding to everything and nothing culturally? May 13, 2021 There are many things that happen in our culture that’s newsworthy, but should FFC address all of them? None of them? Listen as...
Why is reading my Bible so difficult? May 6, 2021 Listen as Pastors Travis and Todd answer the relevant question “Why is reading my Bible so difficult?”
Why is communicating in marriage so frustrating? April 29, 2021 Pastors Travis and Todd answer the question Why is communicating in marriage so frustrating? For more Ask the Pastors series and other...
How do we disagree agreeably? April 22, 2021 Pastors Travis and Todd answer the question How do we disagree agreeably? For more Ask the Pastors series and other resources, visit...
What was God’s “plan A” for humanity? April 15, 2021 Pastors Travis and Todd answer the question What was God’s “plan A” for humanity? For more Ask the Pastors series and...
If we’re dead to sin, why do we keep on sinning? April 4, 2021 Pastors Travis and Todd tackle this question from Pastor Todd’s March 28 sermon “Dead to Sin” from Romans 6:1–14.