GO (Global Outreach) Month is our annual time of focus on the worldwide mission of the church to reach every nation, language, and tribe with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Throughout October, we'll look within North America and beyond North America, helping you to correctly see the globe in light of where we are, the message we share, and role we play in the ultimate plan of God. You can learn more about the roadmap for GO Month 2022 below:

Sunday, October 2 | 5:30pm
We’re kicking off our 2022 GO Month with this annual FFC favorite! Join us October 2 at 5:30pm at the Ankeny Campus for a churchwide gathering where you’ll be able to sample a large variety of foods from countries around the world provided by FFC Small Groups. We’ll provide the food, drinks, and dinnerware, just bring yourself and your family and come enjoy food and fellowship!

Sundays in October
We’re excited to preach through a special 4-week GO Month sermon series called “God’s Global Gospel” with Pastor Todd and two special speakers! Baptist Convention of Iowa Director Tim Lubinus will be with us October 9, and North American Mission Board President Kevin Ezell will be with us October 23. Join us for Sundays throughout October for this special series!

Mondays in October
We’re gathering the first four Mondays of October at both the Ankeny Campus Worship Center and Carlisle Campus building at 6:30am for special missions-focused prayer gatherings! The mornings will have 30–40 minutes of a structured Spirit-led, Scripture-fed, worship-based prayer service. Join us in growing together in our desire to be a people who pray!