Discovery Class

February 2, 2020 8:30 - 10:00am  |  Student Center – Room 202

317 Southeast Magazine Road, Ankeny, IA, USA

Our Discovery Class gives people new to FFC a chance to learn about our church and what we believe, meet some of our leadership, and ask questions. We’ll provide the coffee and treats, you just need to bring yourself! After coming for a service, this is your first step towards getting plugged in at First Family! There is no pressure attached with this class. This is just a chance for you to learn more about us and what it would look like to become a part of our family.

Childcare can be provided; however, since it is a casual atmosphere, you are welcome to bring your children and watch them during the class, or even rotate with your spouse, utilizing another room. If you prefer childcare, indicate on the form below the names and ages of your children.

If you’re interested in signing up for the next Discovery Class, fill out the form below!

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