Awaken & Behold: FFC Women’s Conference

April 4 - 5  |  Worship Center

317 Southeast Magazine Road, Ankeny, IA, USA

As citizens of another Kingdom, God calls us to so much more than getting by… so much more than blending in… so much more than the “American dream”… so much more than focusing on the brokenness of our culture. We are actually called to be… a very distinct people with a very distinct purpose and a very distinct role. Perhaps we have been lulled to sleep by this very wearying culture. It is time for us to Awaken and Behold. Please join us for the Awaken and Behold conference as we dare to catch a glimpse of the KING OF THE KINGDOM OF LIGHT and HIS life-giving invitation.


Kelli Penn: Author, Speaker, Podcast Host


Friday, April 4th

5:45 Doors Open
6:30 Event Begins
6:35 Worship & Main Session #1
7:50 Breakout #1
8:45 Fellowship & Dessert Reception

Saturday, April 5th

8:00 Doors Open, Coffee & Breakfast served
8:45 Worship & Main Session #2
10:00 Transition
10:15 Breakout #2
11:15 Panel
12:15 Lunch served
1:15 Worship & Main Session #3


No pre-registration is needed for breakouts.

Evangelism in the Workplace, Community, and Family – Shawa Splawn

Parenting Adult Children – Carol Cierzan & Kristi McFarling

Walking Alongside Those with Unique Needs and Those That Love Them – Sherri Davidson

Rehearsing the Truth and Why What We Tell Ourselves Matters – Marcia Lozada


T-shirts may be pre-ordered at the time of your conference registration for an additional $20. There are two color choices to pick from, Ivory or Pink. The shirt will serve as a walking billboard, to yourself and others, of the truths and encouragement that we will walk away with after our weekend together! The final date for T-shirt pre-orders is March 26th. There is a chance that there will be some extra T-shirts available to purchase at the time of the conference, but the quantities and sizes are NOT guaranteed.

& Behold

You are a chosen people
royal priesthood
holy nation
people for God’s
own possession