Discovery Class

November 7, 2021 9:30 - 10:30am  |  Library

317 Southeast Magazine Road, Ankeny, IA, USA

If you’re new to FFC or even if you feel new, Discovery Class is the best place to change that and get started. Our Discovery Class gives you a chance to learn what we’re all about. We’ll share with you our history, our purpose and our beliefs. Ultimately, our goal is to help you find out if First Family is a good fit for you and your family. You’ll also get to meet some of our leadership and ask any questions you might have about our church. Finally, we always conclude our time with next steps on how you can continue to grow here with us.

Discovery Class meets in person during the 9:30am service in our Library, which is right by the Café. It lasts about an hour. If you have children, they’re welcome to join our Children’s Ministry or attend the class with you. If you’d prefer to attend digitally, we can arrange that as well.

Register today and we’ll send you all the details of our next class!

Contact Discipleship Pastor Travis Walker if you have any questions!