Campus Collective Winter Conference

February 22 8:30 am - 6:30 pm

317 Southeast Magazine Road, Ankeny, IA, USA

“Jesus came preaching the gospel: The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” For many, the Kingdom seems like a far-off reality – something we get to when we die, something that God is focusing on while we spend our time focusing on evangelism or the church or problems down here. But Jesus Himself is constantly preaching the Kingdom, telling us to seek the Kingdom, and instructing us to pray for the Kingdom. So what is it? Is it something we have to build ourselves? Is it here now?

The present reality of the Kingdom of Heaven is the good news that Jesus came preaching during His earthly ministry. Will we follow Jesus’ invitation to enter it?

Message 1:
The Kingdom of Heaven…What Is It? (Mark 1.14-15; Matthew 4.23, 9.35; John 3.3-5)

Message 2:
Praying the Kingdom (The Lord’s Prayer, Matthew 6.9-13)

Message 3:
Living the Kingdom (The Beatitudes, Matthew 5.3-12)

Parker McGoldrick – Ankeny Gospel Church Lead Pastor