Discussion Questions Romans 6:1–14
Introduction Questions
1. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
2. What is something you wish you could cut out of your life forever, instantly? (Example- sugar, tv, etc.)
3. What is one habit you wish you could add to your life forever, instantly? (Example- exercise, reading, etc.)
Observation Questions
1. How many times are the words died, dead, or death used in verses 1-14? What does this text teach us about death?
2. According to our text this week, what happened that made us to be “dead to sin”?
3. Verse 7 is a very bold statement! Let’s unpack it a little bit. What does this statement mean? What does this look like in our lives?
4. What about Sunday’s sermon stuck out to you or challenged you? What did you learn, love, or were you reminded of?
Personal Reflection Questions
1. If we are now dead to sin, why do we still struggle so much? What can we do to fight the lingering effects of sin in our lives?
2. Have you held your public funeral for your old life? In other words, have you been baptized? If you have, share your story. If you haven’t, are you willing?
3. Our take-home truth this week is, “In union with His death to sin then, I can live as dead to sin now.”
a. How is this going in your life?
b. Where do you see victory?
c. Where are you still seeing defeat?
4. In light of our text this week and our sermon on Sunday, how might we respond in obedience? What do you think God is asking you to do?