Discussion Questions
Ephesians 2:10

Introduction Questions

1. How has someone served you or your family over the last few weeks?

2. How have you served someone else over the last few weeks?

3. What needs do you currently have that our Small Group could meet or help with?


Observation Questions

1. Verse 10 teaches us that, “We are His workmanship!” Summarize this truth! What does this mean?

2. What are “good works”? Give some examples.

3. What does it mean that “God prepared beforehand?” Have you seen this in your life? Share a time you obeyed and share a time you disobeyed.

4. What about Sunday’s sermon stuck out to you or challenged? What did you learn, love, or were you reminded of?


Personal Reflection Questions

1. On Sunday, Pastor Todd said, “Your new life in Christ isn’t a result of your works, but works are the result of your new life in Christ.” Explain what this means. How are the gospel and good works different but connected?

2. How are you serving the community of Ankeny? What area of Ankeny do you see has needs? How can we help?

3. How are you serving the body of FFC? What area of FFC do you see has needs? How can you help?

4. In light of our text this week and our sermon on Sunday, how might we respond in obedience? What do you think God is asking you to do?