Discussion Questions
Ephesians 2:19–22

Introduction Questions

1. Let’s take a moment and share our different backgrounds and let’s appreciate our uniqueness.
a. Where were you born?
b. Where would you say you are from?
c. Where are your ancestors from?
d. What brought your family to the USA?

2. What is something unique about your family or upbringing that is probably different than others in the room?

3. What would you say creates community? What makes strangers friends?


Observation Questions

1.  According to Ephesians 2, why are all of us no longer strangers and aliens but now fellow citizens and members of the household of God?

2. What does verse 20 mean when it says that “Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone”? What is he the cornerstone of? What does a cornerstone do?

3. According to verses 21-22, what is God’s goal for His Church? What should this look like?

4. What about Sunday’s sermon stuck out to you or challenged you? What did you learn, love, or were you reminded of?


Personal Reflection Questions

1. How this week can we demonstrate our talk home truth: “In Christ, we are one people of God, by God, and for God.”

2. Pastor Todd said on Sunday, “This is one of the ways our church can be so distinct in this culture currently. We recognize our differences, but we don’t prioritize them or weaponize them.” How are we doing?

3. How are we doing making disciples of all nations? What needs to change?

4. In light of our text this week and our sermon on Sunday, how might we respond in obedience? What do you think God is asking you to do?