Summer for the City We love our city! FFC is for the good of the cities where God has placed us and seeing Christ glorified there. This summer, we’re...
Prayer Opportunities On the first Sunday of each month this summer (Jun 2, Jul 7, Aug 4), the elders will be available from 10:30–11:30am in VHQ (the room...
Pentecost and the Mission of God | Resources Sermon Text: Acts 2:1–13 1 When the day of Pentecost had arrived, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like that of a...
The Ascension and the Mission of God | Resources Sermon Text: Acts 1:1–11 “I wrote the first narrative, Theophilus, about all that Jesus began to do and teach until the day he was...
Promotion Sunday On May 26 (Memorial Day Weekend), all of our school-aged kids and youth will be promoted to the next grade level! Our elementary kids...
The Cross of the Gospel | Resources Sermon Text: Colossians 1:21–23 “Once you were alienated and hostile in your minds as expressed in your evil actions. But now he...
Community Outreach Week A global heart always begins with a local hand. That’s precisely why we’re complementing GO Week, our annual focus on the nations, with...
Prayer Night for the Nations Join us for a time of prayer for the ends of the earth, for the lost, and for those serving to bring the good news to them. We will allow...
Save the Dates! Two events to get on your calendar for this summer are VBS and Family Camp! Vacation Bible School at the Ankeny Campus is coming up on June...