Falling Apart Someone once truly noted, “A Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.” I watched this reality in the lives...
Our First and Best Action Prayer is our first and best action. Admittedly, it’s not our only action. But it is, in all situations, our first and best one. But why?...
A Final Four 12 words. Four commands. One verse. That is a numerical summary of 1 Corinthians 16:13, which reads, “Be watchful, stand firm in the...
Summer Family Events Mark your calendars for some upcoming family ministry events: VBS is June 12–16, and Family Camp is August 5–7! Registration for both...
Prayer Team You can submit prayer requests at firstfamily.church/prayer and the elders and/or prayer team will be praying over them! The team has also...
My Old Bible One of the best habits a person can practice is the regular reading of the Bible. Scripturally, this often overlooked yet profoundly needed...
It’s Never Too Late It’s never too late for someone to be rescued from hell. This must have been what Jude was referencing when, while encouraging believers...
Why the Righteous are Bold When you have nothing to hide, you have no reason to run. Solomon, inspired by the Holy Spirit, clues us in to this truth when he...
The Fear of Man is a Trap Fear paralyzes. It cripples. It stalls and halts even the best intentions. That’s why Solomon called it a “snare.” Specifically, his...