Discussion Questions
Romans 6:1–14

Introduction Questions

1. What was the highlight of your Passion/Holy Week?

2. What comes to your mind when you hear the word resurrection?

3. What do you think heaven or eternal life will be like? What will it look like? What will we look like? What will we do there?


Observation Questions

1.  How many times are the words life, live, alive or resurrection used in verses 1-14? What does this text teach us about life and/or new life in Christ?

2. According to our text this week, what happened that made us “alive to Christ”?

3. Verse 8 is a very bold statement! Let’s unpack it a little bit. What does this statement mean? What does this look like in our lives?

4. What about Sunday’s sermon stuck out to you or challenged you? What did you learn, love, or were you reminded of?


Personal Reflection Questions

1. What is the answer to every person’s death? How can we become alive today and live forever?

2. What does a resurrected life look like, both in its current form and its future form?

3. Our take-home truth this week is, “The resurrection of Christ means I can be raised spiritually now and physically later.”
a. How is your new life in Christ an example of a resurrected spiritual life?
b. What areas of your life are failing to demonstrate a resurrected spiritual life?

4. In light of our text this week and our sermon on Sunday, how might we respond in obedience? What do you think God is asking you to do?