7 Days of Prayer & Fasting | Nov 3–9

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Join with us November 3–9 for an intentional time of prayer and fasting for our church family.

Our central Scripture for this focused week of prayer and fasting is Psalm 74, a communal lament written by Asaph for the people of Israel. It was probably penned several years after their captivity and deportation to Babylon in 586, yet before their return to Jerusalem 70 years later.

Of course, though the Psalmist doesn’t specifically recount the reason for this captivity and deportation in this Psalm, the prophets clearly predicted and preached that what occurred in those horrific years was precisely the chastisement of God upon his people because of their idolatry and sin throughout multiple generations. 

In light of this, Asaph leads the people to essentially 1) call upon the Lord to divinely intervene, and then 2) confess the Lord’s gracious and powerful character as the basis for this intervention, knowing that as he manifests his sovereign rule, he will defend his own cause and name. 

By no means do we want to apply this Psalm to our geographical situation, nor do we want to force it to mean something ethnically or covenantally that it was never intended to mean. Our desire, rather, is to apply this text petitionally —  how can Psalm 74 shape our posture of prayer as we appeal to God stop evil, defend righteousness, and come to the aid of his people?

In this communal lament, Asaph directed the original recipients to rightly “complain” to God about evil, and then humbly call upon God to act against it based on his character. Note that it was not because they deserved it or produced it; it was because God was able. Psalm 74 is a contrite recognition that God is the sovereign ruler of the universe, and as his people we plead with him to “deliver us from evil” (Matthew 6).

To that end we will follow this pattern over the seven days, concluding with a congregational prayer and worship gathering on November 10, what we are calling “Fresh Encounter.”

  • Each day read the assigned Scripture. Some days it will be the entire Psalm; other days just a portion.
  • Each day pray the written prayer as a way to get started in your communication with God. This is not meant to be your complete prayer, but simply a prompt to move you in a direction you can continue. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you pray. He will! And as he leads you throughout the day, be willing to pray immediately for the things he brings to mind. Seek to maintain an awareness of his presence throughout your day, and practice “praying without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
  • Each day fast during a time you would normally eat. In fact, this could be the best time to pray these prompts and read the Psalm. Or to re-pray and re-read. Some will fast an entire day; others only a meal. Still others may select to fast from snacks or types of foods. Do whatever you can to posture yourself before the Lord in a manner that physically shows where your dependence truly rests: in him, not in food. 
  • Consider connecting daily to our 24-hour digital prayer room. This will be open the entire seven days, and when you connect, you may be joining others who are also praying in that “room” at that time. Feel free to intercede with them and/or for them. Our prayer prompts for that day will be visible as well.

Our Heavenly Father hears. Let us pray! 

Sunday, November 3

Read: Psalm 74

Prayer Prompt: “Mighty God, make my first concern and priority your name and the extension of your kingdom and purposes over all the earth. Remove from me any false sense that revival is about a better situation for me. It is, rather, about your name being exalted and more praise and honor given to you. Oh, God, renew in me a righteous sensitivity to the desecration of your name and the mocking of your character so that I long for your return and the consummation of your kingdom on earth.” 

Monday, November 4

Read: Psalm 74:1-11

Prayer Prompt: “Lord God, at times things seem quite hopeless. It seems you’re absent, or that you have removed yourself from our midst. Remind me today that in you all things were created and in you all things are held together. You reign and rule, and all thrones, powers, dominions, and authorities have been defeated at the cross. Grant me your perspective in this time when you said we will have trouble in this world, but to not fear, because you have overcome the world.”

Tuesday, November 5

Read: Psalm 74

Prayer Prompt: “Eternal God, we live in a day in which your name is shamed and set aside. Too often we participate in this either directly or indirectly, afraid of associating with your name because of marginalization or persecution. Lord, we confess this sin to you and repent of living in a manner that is ashamed of you and not dependent upon you. We turn from self-sufficiency and humbly wear the name ‘CHRISTian’ today, aligning ourselves with you and your kingdom even when it is costly.”

Wednesday, November 6

Read: Psalm 74:12-17

Prayer Prompt: “Holy God, I stand in awe of your great and mighty deeds recorded in Scripture for your people. And I kneel in awe of what I have seen you do in my life. You are truly and eternally just, powerful, patient, gracious, redemptive, and holy. Would you, God, reveal your attributes manifestly in this world for the overcoming of evil and the preservation of righteousness? Spare us and others from your judgment because of your great mercy shown throughout all generations.”

Thursday, November 7

Read: Psalm 74

Prayer Prompt: “Heavenly Father, as we wait for your return and rescue, revive us in these years. Because of your great love and power, and through your Holy Spirit, renew us in this time to stand strong against forces of evil that are intent on destroying your name and deceiving people’s souls. Grant us fervency by your faithfulness to fight with the weapons of your kingdom so that devilish strongholds are defeated and demonic operations overturned. None of this is possible apart from who you are. So give us eyes to see your uncompromised character and hearts to trust your unfailing promises till you return in power and glory and we receive the end of the salvation of our souls.”

Friday, November 8

Read: Psalm 74:18-23

Prayer Prompt: “Gracious God, our casual approach to your holiness has too often given unbelievers a reason to reproach your name. We ask You, Lord, to rise up and defend your cause, awaken your people to the reality of your presence and the necessity of obedience, and transform our lives to represent the character of Christ. Revive your people so that we may rejoice in you and demonstrate in our lives the awesome, transforming power of Jesus Christ in his Church.”

Saturday, November 9

Read: Psalm 74

Prayer Prompt: “Lord Jesus, in the words of Isaiah (64:1), we pray that you would ‘rend the heavens and come down,’ causing the church to quake before you and be astounded at your  majesty. We have grown accustomed to our small version of you. God, forgive us for seeing you incorrectly and representing you falsely. Shatter our idols, awaken our hearts, revive your church, and draw all people to the cross of Christ in repentance and faith. For such an earth-shaking moment we pray boldly, humbly, and expectantly.”

Sunday, November 10

Join together tonight in prayer at “Fresh Encounter”