Profiles in Partnership: Timothy | Resources

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Discussion Questions

What from our text or sermon this week made an impact on you? Why?

Is humility still a highly prized characteristic today? What seems to be valued more than humility many times?

Who comes to mind when you think of a person of character? Why them?

What would it look like for you to adopt Timothy’s approach to life and ministry in your own life and ministry?

Are you an encouragement to your pastors?

In light of our text/sermon, what would it look like to obey?

Memory Verse

“For I have no one else like-minded who will genuinely care about your interests.” Philippians 2:20

Devotional: Historical Narrative

“Timothy! Where are you? It’s almost time!”

“Coming, Grandmother!” The involuntary squeak in Timothy’s voice cracked through the pomegranate sky like a whip. He winced at the sound but remained planted on the crumbling stone structures beneath his bare feet. Eyes dry from gawking, he squinted toward the distant hilltops bordering his hometown of Lystra. Whenever there were goings on at the nearby Temple of Zeus, Timothy couldn’t help but become enraptured in curiosity. Despite his mother and grandmother’s shared devotion to the ways of Jehovah-Raah, Timothy had felt drawn to the mysteries within Zeus’ temple walls since childhood. It probably had something to do with the unavoidable reminder that at the end of each day, Timothy was still a gentile. Yet, the faith dwelling within his mother and grandmother was powerful, undisguised, sincere, and free of the hypocrisy he’d seen in so many others.

“Timotheus of Lystra! Come home now!”

At the sound of his mother Eunice’s voice, Timothy leapt off of his perch and ran home without a second thought. Upon his arrival, both his mother and grandmother stood outside the threshold looking cross. He opened his mouth to plead his case, but thought better of it. “Sorry I’m late.” He was almost a man now. He figured he might as well start acting like it. His grandmother, Lois, placed a wrinkled hand on his shoulder. “Ah child, Elohim calls us to love with all of our heart, soul, and our strength.” Then, with a twinkle in her eye, she whispered, “Next time, run faster.”

With that, they walked inside the house, knelt down together, and with one voice, they prayed: “The Lord our God, the Lord is one…”

This is a fictional account of an evening through the eyes of the apostle Paul’s “true son in the faith,” Timothy. Along with the book of Philippians, this story is based on and inspired by the following passages: Deuteronomy 6:4–7, Acts 16:1, and 2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14–16. Take a moment to read those passages. Consider how Lois and Eunice may have fielded young Timothy’s inevitable questions regarding their faith.