Why? The Approach (Pt. 2) | Resources

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Discussion Questions

1. Summarize Job chapters 32–37. 

2. Who is Elihu? Summarize Elihu’s theology. What does Elihu believe are some of the purposes of suffering? 

3. Have you ever accused God of being unjust? Why do we often believe suffering is unfair? Why is justice so essential to the character of God? 

4. In light of chapters 32-37, what do you think God is trying to teach you? What does it look like to learn and obey?

Memory Verse

“Then there comes a roaring sound; God thunders with his majestic voice. He does not restrain the lightning when his rumbling voice is heard. God thunders wondrously with his voice; he does great things that we cannot comprehend.” Job 37:4–5 (CSB)


When a baby is born, the first few months are a time of joyous adjustment and excitement for the future as parents look and dream at the blessing God has given them. However, when we experienced the birth of our third baby, that time was cut short as only weeks into his little life, he contracted Covid and was rushed back to the hospital, struggling to breathe. 

The thoughts of failure, the “what-ifs,” and “if only” kinds of conversations flooded the front of our minds as we held our tiny baby in that hospital. He should have been wrapped in his warm bed at home, not cords and cables and an itchy hospital blanket. He should have been snuggled, cuddled, and surrounded by those who love him rather than being held down and having his spinal cord tapped for testing by strangers, those he didn’t know. 

In all of this, there was a peace that passed all understanding. In all of this, there was that still small voice reassuring us that God was God and He was in control; He was faithful and, to use the cliche song, that Jesus loves the little children, and that included us and our son. 

Finally, a doctor came in about 24 hours into our experience. He looked at us, looked at our son, and asked, “May I remove my Covid protective gear for a moment?” As he removed the mask, the gown, and the gloves, and began to resemble a human doctor of a time gone by, he explained that he was a believer and wanted to pray over us and our son. 

In the middle of everything, God showed up in the experience. We had a prayer session with a doctor we didn’t know, but one who took the time to encourage us and remind us that even in our suffering, God is God and will faithfully remain for all time. -MT