Philippians 3:12–14 | Resources

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Discussion Questions

Summarize what Paul is referring to in verses 12-13. What is he hoping to take hold of ?

Christ’s love inevitably humbles us! How has the gospel humbled you?

What is the prize that Paul pursues in verse 14?

Why do we continue to strive if we have been forgiven?

Does your past ever still affect your present effort? How?

In light of our text/sermon, what would it look like to obey?

Memory Verse

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, 14 I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13–14 (CSB)


My family and I recently came back from a short-term missions trip, and the Lord greatly impacted our hearts. We all felt a great sense of conviction to take hold of this newfound joy we found in Christ and to do something about it. We had not yet left the shuttle from the Chicago O’Hare Airport to return us to our van when the sense of urgency became very clear to me! I could already feel the pressure of instantly jumping back into our regular schedule and responsibilities (i.e., jobs, sports, hobbies, church, quiet times, email catchup, exercise, project tasks, doctor appointments, family time, etc.), and it was quickly encroaching on our already fading zeal. There was nothing wrong with the pressure. The tasks and events were all very good, God-honoring things! But they had the potential to be distracting and wasteful, and perhaps some were. I felt the need to discard what was truly distracting because we were wasting time—God’s time—and we needed to reach forward to a life pursing the fullness of being made perfect in fellowship with Christ forever (v. 13b-14).

This new God-centered impact on our hearts ultimately did not challenge us to drop our schedule and responsibilities and view them as wasteful, but I did sense the need to unify them under one banner of living life on mission. Here is my challenge to you and to myself, and I ask that we hold each other accountable: Examine any piece of your life that doesn’t fit under the banner of disciple making, developing devoted followers of Jesus Christ that celebrate, grow, and serve for the glory of God. Where is God’s role for each of us to help plant churches, raise up and send more partners, and witness to our family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers? Unify your life, making God’s mission your passion!