Psalms of Lament Overview | Resources

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Discussion Questions

What did you learn about the psalms that you didn’t know previously?

What is a psalm of lament?

Is it sinful to lament? Why or why not?

How do we lament well in a way that is productive or helpful?

How can we use the psalms in private worship?

How can we use the psalms in corporate worship?

Memory Verse

“The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom should I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— whom should I dread?” Psalm 27:1 (CSB)


The book of Psalms was the hymnal, or the songbook, for God’s people, the nation of Israel. In many ways, it still is. The Psalms are individual poems that would have, and still should be, used daily to help God’s people communicate their hearts and feelings to God. One way to put it would be that the Psalms give us words to pray. The Psalms are a gift to us! They are honest, emotional, raw, and intense. The 150 psalms that make up the book of Psalms cover all human experiences. They discuss life’s best moments as well as worst moments. They include words of advice as well as words of warning. The book of Psalms includes all the emotions you experience in your lifetime. Many include rejoicing, while others involve disappointment, frustration, and fear. As we dive into the psalms of lament in this series, I hope you are willing to be as vulnerable and transparent as the writers of the book of Psalms were and allow them to point you to your heavenly father as they were meant to be.